About Millennium Diggers Association

President - Wes Jeffers
Vice President - David Schmidt
Treasurer - Terrie Fox
Secretary/Editor - Penny Esplin


The main purpose of this association is to bring families and individuals together to learn and share. We promote the hobbies of metal detecting, small scale mining, rock and gem collecting, bottle and relic collecting, fossil collecting, artifact collecting, treasure hunting, and any other activity that involves looking for objects of value that are buried, hidden, sunken, or occur naturally. This association will remain a fun, not-for-profit association. Meetings should be kept as informal as possible, yet maintain some order.


Officers shall be elected at the January meeting by show of hands.


The President is responsible for the welfare of the association. The President shall be in charge of conducting and organizing meetings. The President shall approve any association spending over $100.00. The President and Vice President are responsible for the financial stability of the association.

Vice President

The Vice President shall fulfill the responsibilities of the President in the event the President cannot perform them. If the President is unavailable, the Vice President shall approve any association spending over $100.00. The President and Vice President are responsible for the financial stability of the association. The Vice President is responsible for overseeing and developing fundraising activities (raffles, drawings, etc.)


The Secretary is responsible for taking notes at association meetings and creating meeting minutes. The Secretary is responsible for developing and publishing a monthly newsletter. The newsletter will be published on the website and an email notification will be sent to those who have email. The newsletter will be mailed to those without an email address. The Secretary shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the event the Treasurer cannot perform them.


The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the association's financial account(s). This includes opening and balancing accounts. The Treasurer will provide a financial report to members at each meeting.


The group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.


  1. Be kind to the environment. Leave a site the same as or better than it was when you arrived.
  2. Leave our meeting place clean.
  3. No disruptive behavior. Association officers may at anytime suspend anyone that is causing problems with no refund of annual membership fees.
  4. Ask for any new business or suggestions at every meeting. When necessary put it up for a association vote.
  5. The association's fiscal year is January 1st through December 31st. Membership will be due each January 1st.
  6. Membership includes a spouse and any family members 17 years of age and under.
  7. On association owned claims, guests may assist members. Guests must be invited by a member who is present. Guests may tend (panning, shoveling, rock tossing) and operate the member’s equipment with the member. Guests may not bring their own equipment.
  8. When outings are not on association owned claims, guests may participate fully and bring their own equipment.

This page last updated 01/26/2024

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